Green Bone Broth Smoothie next to a lime, an avocado, and a bottle of bone broth

Green Bone Broth Smoothie

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Serves 1

This smoothie will leave you feeling extra satiated thanks to the added protein from the bone broth. Paired with the stomach-calming ginger and digestion-aiding chia seeds, this smoothie is a great way to fill up on your veggies all while healing your gut. It’s a great way to jumpstart your digestive system in the morning, and so easy to make!


  1. Place Roli Roti Butcher’s Chicken Bone Broth ice cubes, avocado, spinach, ginger, turmeric, almond milk, and lime juice into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into glass and top with chopped almonds and chia seeds. Serve immediately.

Made With

Organic Chicken Bone Broth